Register Below
Below are the team sign ups & tickets for the concert.
The Memorial Team
Flagship 4 person captains choice team
On-course grilling stations
Premium cocktails & hors d'oeuvre pit stops
Training & information from the American Heart Association
4 complementary tickets to the concert & reception
Exclusive event swag, including OnCloud shoes for each player
The Competition Team
Competitive 2 person low net team
On-course grilling stations
Premium cocktails & hors d'oeuvre pit stops
Training & information from the American Heart Association
2 complementary tickets to the concert & reception
Exclusive event swag, including OnCloud shoes for each player ​
The Concert & Reception Ticket
Exclusive concert performed by J. Baxter & The Sauce
​Premium cocktails & hors d'oeuvres
Dinner served by Hermitage Country Club
Please select from the options above and add your desired selection to your cart then proceed to check-out.
If you have any questions regarding the registration process
please contact the event team at:
The Dewey Foundation, Inc.
501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization
Contributions are Tax Deductible.